
Showing posts from September, 2017

Module 2: Digital Storytime

For our class’ second module, we had to create a Digital Story with This assignment required us to choose an Illinois Teaching Standard and connect it to our lives in the form of a story. The standard I chose was SS.G.2.3: Compare how people modify and adapt to the environment and culture in our community to other places. I connected this standard to my personal life by talking about living in Spain and Chicago. As I revealed how my identity was shaped by both of their cultures, I also explained how parts of those cultures came to be. For example, I mentioned that I am unable to speak Spanish fluently because my family moved between cities that speak different languages. The two cities we lived in were Barcelona and Madrid. Since Barcelona is located in an autonomous community, it has a different official language than the majority of Spain. Therefore, its official language is Catalan while most of the rest of Spain has Castilian/Spanish as their official language. We w

Module 1: Jigsaw Videos

For the first module in our Technology in Education class, we were assigned a Jigsaw activity. If you are unfamiliar this kind of assignment, here is an explanation about what it is: First, the class is divided into a certain number of groups (eight in our class’ case). Each group is then instructed to research a topic that is given to them. All of these topics should have a common theme that the class is learning about. For example, our class was being introduced to different video-making websites which were given as the group’s topics. My group was given the website Animaker. So after everyone discussed the topics within their groups, we were rearranged into eight other groups which is the second half of the Jigsaw activity. In these new groups, every student would be teaching a different website to each other. In my new group’s case, I was teaching two other students how to use Animaker while they taught me how to use Powtoons and Spark Video. The five other websites that were re