
Showing posts from November, 2017

Module 6: SRSs as Formative Assessments

The assignment for our final module was learn about and demonstrate Student Response Systems (SRS). For the first part of this assignment, we were each assigned two SRSs to learn about and later discuss with our assigned Jigsaw groups. The ones that I was assigned were Poll Everywhere ( ) and The Answer Pad ( ).  Although I would not use Poll Everywhere too often in my own classroom, I still thought that it was a better tool to use than The Answer Pad. The first advantage of using Poll Everywhere is the accessibility it provides when you create a new presenter account. There are also multiple types of questions that you can ask with the website such as multiple choice, word clouds, short answer, clickable images, rank order, and 2X2 matrix. You can even ask different types of questions within the same presentation by selecting the survey option. As for responding, students can log into the presentation online or text

Twitter Part 2

As I have mentioned in my previous blog post about Twitter, our class’ most constant homework assignment is using our Twitter accounts to tweet, retweet, or respond to other tweets about technology in education. We were also required to follow educators and organizations who post about using technology in school. On the last Twitter blog post, I mentioned that I started retweeting lots of posts from EdTech K-12 Magazine and some from Tara Linney. Since then, I have still mostly been retweeting posts from these users; but I have also retweeted posts from two other users which were Anna Vaughan and Richard Byrne. The former posted an article about connecting students and teachers through social media, which included a list of multiple social media that students can choose from. This list includes Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, YouTube, Google Docs, Skype, Instagram,Tumblr. I really like this list because it encourages students to connect through videos and other sites that they would use

Module 5: Flipping Out

Our assignment for the class’ fifth module was creating a classroom flip video. A classroom flip model turns the traditional model of instruction around. In other words, instead of the teacher presenting new content to students during class and then having the students complete assignments after class, the “lecture” part is presented online before face-to-face meeting. The content we had to present in our flip projects needed to be subjects that will eventually be used by the students in our field placements. They also needed to align with a standard for the grade that those students are in. My placement was in a special education school called Elim, and the classroom had students who were in 2nd through 5th grades and who all had autism. During my time in that placement, I noticed that one of the students did not seem to know how to identify the different parts of sentences (nouns, adjectives, verbs). Because of this, I chose to create an Adjectives presentation based on this third g